Monday, June 26, 2017

2017 Update

Dearest Loves,

Blogging is a curious thing.  It follows Newton's laws of physics, apparently.  When I have been blogging daily, I can update more easily.  When I stop, it gets harder to get back to it.  Well.  I shall do what I do best, and that is TRY TRY AGAIN.

It's been at least a year since I let you in on the plots and schemes of my journey into the world of self-employment and following my dreams.  It's been a rough road, as often happens to dreamers.  But the hard work is always worth it.  The harder I work, the happier I have become, and I do like the growth.  Change of any kind is not easy or simple, and I've had my share of sadistically strained blood pressure levels, headaches, and disappointments.  However, I'm seeing success break through, like a tiny flower bud in the spring, pushing up through the soil (or cracks in concrete) a little at a time and with steadfast determination.

So what's new with Lucy Jane?

I've expanded my online presence beyond the Etsy shop, for one thing.  You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and here again, now that I've got things rolling.  I have a hashtag on Twitter you can follow: #beingLucyJane (or #beinglucyjane, I think both are commonly used in my comments and conversations).  But more importantly than the brand expansion, I've been adding new Funky Friends Factory creations to Lucy Jane's regular offerings.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

As always, if you want to order your own, please don't hesitate to contact me via any of the many channels I've just described! I can't wait to hear from you! :)

More soon.  Right now I have to get back to the cutting table and the sewing machine.

Lucy Jane

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